Leaves of absence and disability

What you need to know

Our leave programs are designed to allow you to take care of what is most important to you.

The guidelines on this page apply to all functional areas within PayPal with respect to US-based employees.

Leaves of absence and disability

Bonding/Parental Leave


US employees are eligible for Bonding/Parental Leave as follows:

  • Non-exempt employees are eligible once they have completed 6-months of employment (starting on their date of hire) with PayPal, and
  • Exempt employees are eligible from day one of employment with PayPal.

An eligible employee may take Bonding/Parental Leave if the employee has a child through childbirth, adoption, surrogacy, or fostering, in accordance with these Guidelines. For the avoidance of doubt, you may be eligible for Bonding/Parental Leave under these Guidelines, even if you are not eligible for a leave under the FMLA.

Duration: An eligible employee may take a Bonding/Parental Leave of up to a maximum of 8 weeks in a rolling 12-month period in the event of birth, adoption or placement of a child/children. For the avoidance of doubt, an employee will be eligible for a maximum of 8 weeks of Bonding/Parental Leave per year, even if more than one child is born, adopted or placed at the same time (or within a short duration of time, as determined by PayPal) (for example, the birth of twins or the adoption of siblings).

Bonding/Parental Leave may be taken either all at one time OR in weekly increments, subject to business needs.

Timing: Bonding/Parental Leave must be taken by the end of the 12-month period immediately following the birth, adoption, or placement of a child with the employee. The entire Bonding/Parental Leave must be completed by the end of this 12-month period.

  • The time to take a Bonding/Parental Leave may not be extended for any reason.
  • If an employee does not timely complete the employee’s Bonding/Parental Leave under these Guidelines, any “unused” leave will be forfeited, and the employee will not be eligible for any compensation or other amount in connection with such forfeiture.

Frequency: An eligible employee may take one Bonding/Parental Leave every 12 months. If an employee takes a Bonding/Parental Leave, the employee may take another Bonding/Parental Leave after 12 months following the end of the prior Bonding/Parental Leave.

  • Paid Parental/Bonding (PBL) benefits must be claimed within 49 days of the first day of absence.
  • Absent extraordinary circumstances, no claim shall be accepted more than 6 months following the date upon which benefits under the Plan may become payable.
    • If an employee experiences an additional birth, adoption or placement of a child and the employee has already taken a Bonding/Parental Leave in the prior 12 months, the employee may pursue other leave options, as applicable, in accordance with PayPal policies.

Compensation: During Bonding/Parental Leave, the employee will be eligible to receive compensation equal to 100% of the employee’s base salary. An employee on Bonding/Parental Leave may not receive payments during their leave (including after taking into account any applicable statutory, supplemental paid time off or other) greater than 100% of their base compensation. For the avoidance of doubt, compensation paid by PayPal during a Bonding/Parental Leave will be offset by any applicable statutory, supplemental paid time off or other benefits, subject to applicable law.

  • All Bonding/Parental Leave benefits are calculated with base salary based on a 7-day week.
  • Any salary increases with a proposed effective date that occurs during a paid leave will be applied in the pay cycle following the effective date.

Any severance payments paid to the employee by PayPal during Bonding/Parental Leave will not directly reduce leave payments under this guideline.

Maternity Short- Term Disability (MSTD) and Bonding/Parental Leave: If an eligible employee is the birthing parent, the employee will be eligible to take a Bonding/Parental Leave under these Guidelines at the end of the employee’s MSTD leave/benefits (i.e., the leave/benefits the employee receives for the employee’s medical recovery in connection with the birth and/or pregnancy-related medical conditions).

Forfeiture: Eligibility for Bonding/Parental Leave will terminate immediately upon an employee’s termination of employment with PayPal, and the employee will forfeit any unused Bonding/Parental Leave. If Bonding/Parental Leave is forfeited for any reason, the employee will not be entitled to any compensation or other amount in connection with such forfeiture.

Coordination with Other Policies

  • To the extent applicable, employees must apply for any applicable State or Federal leave programs that may be available and coordinate those programs with their Bonding/Parental Leave.
  • Bonding/Parental Leave under these Guidelines run concurrently with leave under the FMLA, if applicable. Accordingly, if the event that makes an employee eligible for Bonding/Parental Leave under these Guidelines also makes the employee eligible for a leave under the FMLA, any Bonding/Parental Leave will be counted towards the 12 weeks of FMLA leave available to the employee. All requirements and provisions under the FMLA apply to the employee, during such time as the employee is eligible/using FMLA leave.
  • An employee may not use, and managers may not approve the use of, Track Free Vacation in place of Bonding/Parental Leave. If an employee uses Track Free Vacation for a leave that should have been Bonding/Parental Leave, as determined by PayPal, the employee and their manager may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with PayPal’s Code of Conduct and other applicable policies.
  • An employee will continue to be eligible for any health and welfare benefits in which the employee participates during a Bonding/Parental Leave period, in accordance with the terms and conditions of those benefits. Please see the Your Benefits on Leave document for the treatment of each benefit program while on leave.
  • Employees will not accrue paid time off benefits or be paid for holidays while on leave.

Requesting Your Leave

An eligible employee must initiate their Bonding/Parental Leave with Sedgwick and communicate with their manager at least 30 days prior to the expected first date of the leave (or if the leave is not foreseeable, as soon as reasonably possible). The employee must complete all Sedgwick paperwork and provide all required documentation to substantiate the request.

To initiate a Bonding/Parental Leave, contact PayPal's Leave of Absence Administrator, Sedgwick, via the following options:

Returning from Leave

The manager and/or the employee must notify Sedgwick on their first day back from leave by phone at 855-233-7599 or at mySedgwick.com/PayPal.

A delay in confirming the return from leave may cause an interruption in pay and PTO accrual.

Leave of Absence Questions

Contact PayPal’s Leave of Absence Administrator, Sedgwick, for questions regarding leave of absence.

  • Sedgwick Service Center Representatives are available Monday through Friday, from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Central Time at 855-233-7599.
  • Employees can speak to their Specialist or send a message through mySedgwick, by clicking on the Contact Examiner link within the claim.
  • Send all claims correspondence and medical documentation to Sedgwick’s secure email inbox, PayPalMail@Sedgwickcms.com.
  • For general questions about leave, contact PayPal’s Leave of Absence Administrator, Sedgwick, at PayPalOps@Sedgwickcms.com.

PayPal has several resources available to parents. Visit the Emotional Wellness page on PayPal Benefits to view Family Support details.

Bone Marrow & Organ Donation Leave


Unless otherwise required by applicable law, a PayPal US employee who has been employed for at least 90 days may request a paid leave of absence for: (i) up to thirty (30) business days in any one-year period to undergo a medical procedure to donate an organ to another person; and (ii) up to five (5) business days in any one-year period to undergo a medical procedure to donate bone marrow.

An employee also can request an additional 30 days of unpaid leave in any one-year period to donate an organ to another person. The one-year period is measured from the start of the leave, unless otherwise provided by applicable law.

How to Request Leave

Employees must provide a certification from their physician regarding the purpose and length of each leave requested unless otherwise provided by applicable law.

For an initial request for organ donation leave, to the extent permitted by applicable law, an employee must use up to two weeks of accrued vacation/PTO during the leave, but the use of vacation/PTO accrual does not extend the term of the leave. If accrued vacation/PTO is not available, the paid time off will be for up to thirty (30) days, unless otherwise required by applicable law.

An employee must use any accrued vacation/PTO for bone marrow donation leave, to the extent permitted by applicable law, but the use of vacation/PTO accrual does not extend the term of this leave. If accrued vacation/PTO is not available, the time off for such procedure shall be paid, but the paid time off shall not exceed five days, unless otherwise required by applicable law. Leave provided pursuant to this policy will run concurrently with any other applicable leave of absence for covered reasons, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law.

Benefits Eligibility

Employees will continue to receive health benefits for the duration of their leave as if they were working, to the extent permitted and in accordance with the applicable plans. Upon returning from such leave, employees will be returned to the same or equivalent positions they held before such leave. Absences due to bone marrow or organ donation leave do not count as a break in service for the purpose of the employee’s right to salary adjustments, sick leave, vacation, and paid time off or seniority. 

Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Stalking and Safe Leave

At PayPal, we are committed to supporting employees affected by domestic abuse. Employees impacted by domestic violence, sexual violence, and/or by a crime are entitled to certain benefits for themselves and their family members. Eligibility criteria and qualified relationships may vary by state or jurisdiction.

Visit the Sedgwick Leave Administrator Platform for information on state or local Leave laws that may be available to you. On the Sedgwick platform, select the Helpful Resources tab, then select the Helpful Links tab, click on the Leave Law Information hyperlink, and then select your state on the map.

General questions

Additional resources

Disability Leave

Short-term disability (STD) 

Disability Definition

An employee will be considered to have a “disability” or be “disabled”  for STD purposes if (1) the claims administrator for the disability benefit determines that as a result of sickness or injury, the employee is unable to perform with reasonable continuity the essential functions of the employee’s regular occupation or of a reasonable employment option offered to the employee by the Company, and (2) the employee meets ALL of the following criteria:

  • The employee is under regular and continuous care and treatment by a healthcare provider, unless such regular and continuous care and treatment are not medically necessary given the condition;
  • The employee’s disability is supported by objective medical evidence provided by the employee’s healthcare provider; and
  • As a result of this condition, the employee is unable to earn more than eighty percent (80%) of their pre-disability regular wages.

For more information about what constitutes a disability, please refer to the Plan documents.


Employees are eligible for STD benefits from day one of employment. If the claims administrator for the disability benefit determines that an eligible employee is disabled, the employee will be eligible to receive the applicable disability benefits on the earlier of:

  • the first (1st) day of hospital confinement, or
  • the eighth (8th) consecutive day of disability.

During the seven (7) day waiting period, employees must use all available Paid Sick Leave (PSL), accrued Paid Time Off (PTO) or Track Free Vacation (TFV), as applicable. If the employee does not have PSL or accrued PTO available, the waiting period will be unpaid.

PayPal provides eligible employees with STD benefits if they are unable to perform their job due to a disability, including illness, injury, medical emergency, surgery, and/or pregnancy.

Compensation: Any severance payments paid to the employee by PayPal during Disability Leave will not directly reduce leave payments under this guideline.

  • An eligible employee will receive a maximum of 6 weeks short-term disability leave compensated at 100% of base salary.
  • In the event that a qualifying disability continues past 6 weeks, STD will be compensated at 80% of base salary for up to 26 weeks from the first day of disability (includes waiting period and first 6 weeks at 100%).
  • An employee whose disability is the result of pregnancy, childbirth, and recovery is eligible for a separate STD benefit, as provided under the Maternity Leave Guidelines. Generally, the Maternity Leave Guidelines provide 8 weeks of leave compensated at 100% of base salary, post-delivery. See the Maternity Leave Guidelines for full details.
  • All STD benefits are calculated with base salary based on a 7-day week.
  • STD benefits must be claimed within 49 days of the date of the applicable disability. STD claims generally must be submitted to the leave administrator no more than 6 months following the date upon which benefits under the Plan may become payable.
  • Disability benefits may vary depending on applicable laws, circumstances, and other factors, and will coordinate with any applicable state-specific benefits, such as California and New York State Disability Programs.
  • Any salary increases with a proposed effective date that occurs during a paid leave will be applied in the pay cycle following the effective date.

Successive Periods of Disability

STD for the same or related illness or injury: If an employee returns to work from approved Disability Leave of 30 days or less, they will not be eligible to make a new STD claim for an illness / injury that’s the same as or related to the recent Disability Leave. Any claim for STD benefits in connection with the illness / injury will be a continuation of the previously approved STD claim. No waiting period is required. The total period of STD benefits may not exceed 26 weeks.

STD for a different illness or injury: If an employee returns to work from an approved Disability Leave of 30 days or less, they may be eligible to make a new STD claim for any illness / injury that isn’t the same as or related to the recent Disability Leave. The employee may be eligible to take up to 26 weeks of STD Disability Leave with the new claim, subject to the terms and conditions of the STD plan.  
New STD or LTD claims: If an employee has either exhausted their full STD benefits (was off work for 26 weeks) or has been approved for LTD benefits, and returns to work for more than 30 days, they will not be eligible to make a new STD or LTD claim for an illness / injury that’s the same as or related to their recent Disability Leave. The employee may be eligible to continue their LTD Disability Leave (in accordance with the LTD plan). They must contact Prudential to verify whether they can reopen their prior LTD claim.

If an employee returns to work after their LTD benefits are approved, and then experiences a new disabling condition unrelated to their LTD claim, they may be eligible to make a new claim for STD benefits based on the new condition (for up to 26 weeks).

Note: Eligibility for STD or LTD benefits are based on the terms and conditions of the applicable plan. Any claim or request for leave will be determined by the leave administrator and may be conditioned on providing appropriate medical documentation.

Coordination with Other Policies

STD is coordinated with any Workers’ Compensation, Social Security Disability and any applicable statutory, supplemental leaves, and/or paid time off programs, subject to the employee’s eligibility. Accordingly, an employee may not receive more than 100% of their base compensation pay at any time, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law. Employees must apply for all applicable State or Federal leave programs that may be available.

An STD-related Disability Leave will run concurrently with any leave available under the FMLA. A leave under these Guidelines will count towards the 12 weeks of FMLA Leave per 12-month period, if applicable. All other requirements and provisions under the FMLA will apply.

An employee may not use, and managers may not approve the use of, Track Free Vacation in place of Disability Leave. If an employee uses Track Free Vacation for a leave that should have been an STD or LTD Leave, as determined by PayPal, the employee, and their manager may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with PayPal’s Code of Conduct and other applicable policies.

Requesting Your Leave

Employees must initiate their STD Disability Leave with Sedgwick and complete all Sedgwick paperwork and provide all required documentation to substantiate the request.

To initiate a Disability Leave, contact PayPal's Leave of Absence Administrator, Sedgwick via the following options:

Returning from Leave

The manager and/or the employee must notify Sedgwick on their first day back from leave by phone at 855-233-7599 or at mySedgwick.com/PayPal.

A delay in confirming the return from leave may cause an interruption in pay and PTO accrual.

For an extension of leave, the employee must contact Sedgwick and their health care provider to request and obtain updated medical documentation. The required paperwork must be returned to Sedgwick within 20 calendar days.

Leave of Absence Questions

Contact PayPal’s Leave of Absence Administrator, Sedgwick, for questions regarding leave of absence.

  • Sedgwick Service Center Representatives are available Monday through Friday, from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Central Time at 855-233-7599.
  • Employees can speak to their Specialist or send a message through mySedgwick, by clicking on the Contact Examiner link within the claim.
  • Send all claims correspondence and medical documentation to Sedgwick’s secure email inbox, PayPalMail@Sedgwickcms.com.
  • For general questions about leave, contact PayPal’s Leave of Absence Administrator, Sedgwick, at PayPalOps@Sedgwickcms.com.

Long-term disability (LTD)


An employee is eligible for an LTD Disability Leave on day one of employment if the employee:

  • Has satisfied the 180-day elimination period under the Plan’s LTD benefits program.
  • Is unable to perform their job due to a disability as defined under the Plan’s STD benefits program (including illness, injury, medical emergency, surgery, and/or conditions and complications arising from pregnancy or childbirth).
  • Is unable to earn more than eighthly (80%) of their pre-disability earnings.
  • Is under the care of a doctor or medical practitioner.

PayPal provides eligible employees with the option of LTD coverage under a Company-paid ‘basic’ LTD benefit program or an employee-paid ‘buy-up’ LTD benefit.

  • Basic LTD (Company-Paid): During LTD Disability Leave, the employee is eligible to receive 60% of base salary, up to a maximum of $25,000 per month (with base salary based on a 7-day week).
  • Buy-up LTD (Employee Paid): During LTD Disability Leave, the employee is eligible to receive 70% of base salary, up to a maximum of $25,000 per month (with base salary based on a 7-day week).

LTD benefits may vary depending on local legislation, employee circumstances, and/or other factors. LTD benefits are managed through Prudential – an external provider appointed by PayPal. Contact Prudential at 855-233-7599.

Recurrent Periods of Disability

When an eligible employee returns to work from LTD Disability Leave and is then approved for another LTD Disability Leave within 6 months of their return, in connection with the same condition as the prior LTD Disability Leave, their LTD Disability Leave will be considered recurrent with the prior leave and a continuation of the prior LTD claim.

Any claim for LTD benefits connected to a disability that occurs 6 or more months after the date an employee returns from LTD Disability Leave will be considered a new claim. The new claim will be subject to all the LTD plan terms and conditions.

Coordination with Other Policies

LTD is coordinated with any applicable statutory, state-mandated disability benefits, Workers’ Compensation, and/or Social Security disability, as applicable.

An employee may not use, and managers may not approve the use of, Track Free Vacation in place of Disability Leave. If an employee uses Track Free Vacation for a leave that should have been an STD or LTD Leave, as determined by PayPal, the employee, and their manager may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with PayPal’s Code of Conduct and other applicable policies.

Transition from STD to LTD

An employee who is certified as disabled after 18-weeks of STD Disability Leave will automatically have their claim sent to Prudential (PayPal’s LTD administrator) for review of whether the employee’s Disability Leave should continue through 26 weeks (i.e., the 180-day elimination period).

Any eligible employee who is not on an approved STD Disability Leave is eligible to apply for LTD Disability Leave if they have been continuously disabled for the past 180 days.

LTD Leave of Absence Questions

For questions regarding LTD benefits and LTD Disability Leave, contact PayPal's LTD administrator Prudential, by calling 855-233-7599.

General Information about Disability Leave

An employee will continue to be eligible for any health and welfare benefits in which the employee participates during a Disability Leave period, in accordance with the terms and conditions of those benefits. The employee may need to pay their benefits premium contributions directly to PayPal’s Benefits Administrator to continue their benefits coverage during any unpaid leave or LTD Disability Leave. Please see the Your Benefits on Leave document for the treatment of each benefit program while on leave.

Employees will not accrue paid time off benefits or be paid for holidays while on leave.

California State Disability and Voluntary Plans

The following information applies to California employees only. For information on other state leaves go to the Resources, Plan documents and forms, Time Away — State/Jurisdictional leave notices.  

California State Disability Insurance (CA-SDI)

California SDI is a partial wage replacement insurance plan for California workers. The CA-SDI program is state-mandated and funded through employee payroll deductions. CA-SDI provides two benefits to eligible workers:

  • Disability Insurance — provides benefits to eligible employees unable to work due to illness, injury, or pregnancy
  • Paid Family Leave — provides benefits to eligible employees who take time off work to:
    • Bond with a new child entering their life by birth, adoption, or foster care placement
    • Care for a seriously ill child, parent, parent-in-law, grandparent, grandchild, sibling, spouse, or registered domestic partner
    • Participate in a qualifying event of a military deployment of a child, parent, spouse, or registered domestic partner

Employees assigned to business entities 35 Bill Me Later and 24 PayPal Data Services are not covered by PayPal’s CA-VP.  Coverage is provided under the California State Disability Insurance (CA-SDI), and employees must file directly with the California EDD. Employees will receive two separate payments, one from PayPal payroll and one from California.

California Voluntary Plan (CA-VP)

PayPal provides a private plan, California Voluntary Plan (CA-VP), as an alternative to California State Disability Insurance (CA-SDI). CA-VP provides two benefits to eligible workers:

  • Disability Insurance — provides benefits to eligible employees unable to work due to illness, injury, or pregnancy
  • Paid Family Leave — provides benefits to eligible employees who take time off work to:
    • Bond with a new child entering their life by birth, adoption, or foster care placement
    • Care for a seriously ill child, parent, parent-in-law, grandparent, grandchild, sibling, spouse, or registered domestic partner
    • Participate in a qualifying event of a military deployment of a child, parent, spouse, or registered domestic partner

Employees assigned to business entity 20 PayPal, Inc. are automatically enrolled in PayPal’s CA-VP. Sedgwick administers the CA-VP plan, employees do not file with the state, and they will receive one payment from PayPal payroll.

Opt-Out of PayPal’s CA-VP

Employees may choose to opt-out of automatic enrollment in PayPal’s CA-VP and instead enroll in California SDI.  Opting out of PayPal’s CA-VP may result in an increase in both the payroll deduction percentage and the amount of wages subject to state taxation.

Employees who reject coverage or withdraw from the PayPal’s CA-VP will be automatically enrolled in the CA-SDI plan. To re-enroll, the request must be received in writing and coverage will then be effective in the first calendar quarter, which is possible after this signed request is received.

To opt-out of PayPal’s CA-VP, complete the California Voluntary Plan Opt-Out Form and submit it to the payroll department.

Additional Resources

California State Disability Insurance Plan
California Voluntary Disability Plan Supplement
Learn more about SDI on California's Employment Development Department website

Contact Employee Central on the Ask HR portal with questions.

Family and Medical Leave


Serious health condition means an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition that involves inpatient care (in a hospital, hospice, or residential medical care facility); or continuing treatment by a health care provider. This can include conditions with short-term, chronic, long-term or permanent periods of incapacity.

Spouse means a husband or wife as defined or recognized in the state where the individual was married and includes individuals in a common law or same-sex marriage. Spouse also includes a husband or wife in a marriage that was validly entered into outside of the United States, if the marriage could have been entered into in at least one state.

Child means a biological, adopted or foster child, a stepchild, a legal ward, or a child of a person standing in loco parentis, who is either under age 18, or age 18 or older and incapable of self-care because of a mental or physical disability at the time that FMLA leave is to commence.

Parent means the employee’s biological, adoptive, step or foster father or mother, or any other individual who stood in loco parentis to the employee when the employee was a child.

Qualifying exigency means an event or activity that arises when the spouse, son, daughter, or parent of an employee is on covered active duty in the Armed Forces, or has been notified of an impending call or order to covered active duty, including short-notice deployment military events and activities; childcare and school activities, financial and legal arrangements, non-medical counseling, rest and recuperation, post-deployment activities, and additional activities that arise out of covered family member’s covered active duty service or call to active duty status, provided that the employer and employee agree that the leave qualifies as an exigency and regarding both the timing and duration of the leave.

Covered active duty for members of a regular component of the Armed Forces, means duty during deployment of the member with the Armed Forces to a foreign country. For a member of the Reserve components of the Armed Forces, means duty during the deployment of the member with the Armed Forces to a foreign country under a federal call or order to active duty in support of a contingency operation, in accordance with 29 CR 825.102.

The next of kin of a covered service member means the nearest blood relative, other than the covered service member's spouse, parent or child in the following order of priority: blood relatives who have been granted legal custody of the service member by court decree or statutory provisions, brothers and sisters, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and first cousins, unless the covered service member has specifically designated in writing another blood relative as his or her nearest blood relative for purposes of military caregiver leave under the FMLA.

Covered service member means a current member of the Armed Forces, including a member of the National Guard or Reserves, who is receiving medical treatment, recuperation or therapy, or is in outpatient status or on the temporary disability retired list for a serious injury or illness; or a veteran who is undergoing medical treatment, recuperation, or therapy, for a serious injury or illness and who was a member of the Armed Forces (including a member of the National Guard or Reserves) at any time during the period of 5 years preceding the date on which the veteran undergoes that medical treatment, recuperation, or therapy.

Serious injury or illness means an injury or illness that was incurred by a covered service member in the line of duty on active duty that may cause the service member to be medically unfit to perform the duties of his or her office, grade, rank or rating; and, in the case of a veteran, that manifested itself before or after the service member became a veteran. A serious injury or illness also includes injuries or illnesses that existed before the service member's active duty and that were aggravated by service in the line of duty on active duty.


To be eligible for FMLA Leave under these Guidelines, employees must have been employed for at least twelve (12) months by PayPal and have worked at least 1,250 hours for PayPal over the twelve (12) months preceding the date the leave would commence. The 12 months of employment do not have to be consecutive. All periods of absence from work due to service covered under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) are counted toward an employee’s months and hours of worked for purposes of determining FMLA eligibility. If you have requested a first day of absence in the future, eligibility will be determined as of that date.

An eligible employee may take up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave for any FMLA leave reason (except military caregiver leave) during a single 12-month period. The Company will measure the 12-month period as a rolling 12-month period measured backward from the date an employee uses any FMLA Leave under these Guidelines. Each time an employee takes FMLA Leave, the Company will compute the amount of leave the employee has taken under these Guidelines in the last 12 months and subtract it from the 12 weeks of available leave, and the balance remaining is the amount the employee is entitled to take at that time.

An eligible employee may take up to 26 weeks of FMLA military caregiver leave during a single 12-month period. For this military caregiver leave, the Company will measure the 12-month period as a rolling 12-month period measured backward from the date an employee uses any leave under these Guidelines. FMLA leave already taken for other FMLA circumstances will be deducted from the total of 26 weeks available.

Regaining FMLA Entitlement

An employee is not required to be at work to regain FMLA entitlement used in the previous year. However, the employee must be eligible (worked 1,250 hours 12 months preceding the first day of leave) to take leave and use the hours regained in the same manner and amounts in which it was used the previous year.

Reasons for Leave

To qualify as FMLA Leave under these Guidelines, the FMLA Leave must be for one of the following reasons:

  • The birth of a child or placement of a child with the employee for adoption or foster care.
  • To care for a spouse, child, or parent of the employee who has a serious health condition.
  • For a serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the essential functions of his or her job.
  • For any qualifying exigency arising out of the fact that a spouse, child, or parent of the employee is on covered active duty or has been notified of an impending call to covered active-duty status.
  • To care for a covered service member with a serious injury or illness, when the employee is the spouse, child, parent or next of kin of the covered service member.

Coordination with other statutory, supplemental leaves, paid time off and/or other time off guidelines

Except where prohibited by law, employees are required to use accrued but unused paid time off (PTO) or paid sick leave (PSL) while on FMLA leave. If PTO or PSL is not available, the absence will be unpaid.

Employees will not accrue paid time off benefits or be paid for holidays while on leave.

Employees may not use Voluntary Time-Off (VTO) or Shift Swap in place of FMLA leave. View the US Workforce Management Scheduling Flexibility Guidelines for additional details. This page is only accessible within the PayPal firewall.

An exempt employee may not use, and managers may not approve the use of, Track Free Vacation in place of an FMLA Leave. If an exempt employee uses Track Free Vacation for a leave that should have been an FMLA Leave, as determined by PayPal, the employee and their manager may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with PayPal’s Code of Conduct and other applicable policies.

Requesting Time Off

FMLA Leave should be initiated with Sedgwick as soon as you are aware of the need (or potential need for leave. You can contact our leave administrator, Sedgwick, at 855-233-7599 or go to MySedgwick.com and create a profile. The Service Center Representative (SCR) will start the process but will not be able to answer specific questions. Your claim will be assigned to a Leave Specialist, who will review the claims process, set expectations, and answer any questions.

You will receive the initial packet within 5 business days of claim initiation, and it will include leave information, a release of information for you to sign and return, and forms for your physician or your family member’s physician to complete. The required paperwork must be returned to Sedgwick within 20 calendar days. If supporting medical paperwork is received late, once it is received and is sufficient for approval, the Sedgwick team reaches out to Employee Central for approval.

Reporting Intermittent Time Off

Once intermittent FMLA Leave is approved, absences must be reported to both Sedgwick and PayPal within 24 hours of the absence. Report an absence to Sedgwick by calling (855) 233-7599 through the Integrated Voice Response (IVR) system, or by reporting the absence via web reporting at mySedgwick.com/PayPal or by using SSO Sedgwick Leave Administrator. This must be done within 24 hours of the absence. You should report your absence to PayPal via the normal reporting method. If absences are reported late, the Sedgwick team reaches out to Employee Central for approval.

If your intermittent time is not reported in a timely manner and/or approved by Sedgwick, it may be subject to attendance guidelines and lead to possible corrective action.

Returning from Leave

The manager and/or the employee must notify Sedgwick on their first day back from leave by phone at 855-233-7599 or at mySedgwick.com/PayPal.

A delay in confirming the return from leave may cause an interruption in pay and PTO accrual.

For an extension of leave, the employee must contact Sedgwick and their health care provider to request and obtain updated medical documentation. The required paperwork must be returned to Sedgwick within 20 calendar days.

Benefits while on FMLA Leave

If an eligible employee participates in PayPal benefits, the employee will continue to be eligible to participate in such benefit plans and programs during FMLA Leave, in accordance with the applicable plan documents. The employee may need to pay their benefits premium contributions directly to PayPal’s Benefits Administrator to continue their benefits coverage. Please see the Your Benefits on Leave document for more information on the treatment of each benefit program while on leave.

Maternity Leave


Non-exempt employees are eligible once they have completed 6 months of employment (starting on their date of hire with PayPal). Time off will be evaluated under Short-Term Disability Leave for employees who haven't been employed for 6 months before their first day absent.

Exempt employees are eligible from day one of employment with PayPal.

Maternity benefits are provided to eligible employees through a combination of Maternity Short-Term Disability (MSTD), Bonding Leave and any applicable state benefits. Eligible employees may receive up to 16-weeks post-delivery of paid time off at 100% of the employee’s regular rate of pay, as indicated below.

Compensation: Any severance payments paid to the employee by PayPal during Maternity Leave will not directly reduce leave payments under this guideline.

  • Maternity Short-Term Disability (MSTD) provides an eligible employee with 100% of base salary (with base salary based on a 7-day week) for 8 weeks post-delivery for time away from work regardless of delivery type. MSTD is coordinated with any applicable state benefits such that an eligible employee can receive 100% of their base salary for 8-weeks after delivery. The length or amount of MSTD is not impacted by multiple births in a single event (e.g., the 8-week total amount of MSTD does not change even if an eligible employee gives birth to twins).
  • Bonding Leave provides employees with 100% of their base salary (with base salary based on a 7-day week) for 8 weeks and is combined with any other applicable state-specific paid leave programs. An eligible employee should not transition to bonding leave, while they have a pending MSTD claim. An eligible employee may take Bonding Leave as soon as their MSTD ends. Bonding Leave must be taken within the first year of giving birth and can start any time after MSTD ends. Please refer to the PayPal Bonding/Parental Leave Guidelines for more information.


PayPal does not provide a “pre-partum”, “nesting” or similar benefit or leave. Maternity Leave is based on an eligible employee’s medical needs, as indicated by their treating physician and provided to Sedgwick. Maternity Leave under these Guidelines, including any pre-partum time taken before an anticipated due date for birth, requires certification from the employee’s healthcare provider(s), must be timely provided to Sedgwick.

Coordination with Other Policies

  • Maternity Leave is coordinated with any applicable statutory, supplemental leaves, and/or paid time off programs, subject to the employee’s eligibility so that a qualifying employee may not receive more than 100% of their base compensation pay at any time, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law. Employees must apply for any applicable State or Federal leave programs that may be available, and coordinate with the PayPal Bonding/Parental Leave Guidelines.
  • Maternity Leave will run concurrently with any related leave under the FMLA. Accordingly, if a Maternity Leave falls under the definition of circumstances qualifying for leave due to the birth or placement of a child due to adoption or foster care, such Maternity Leave will be counted towards the 12 weeks of available FMLA leave for each 12-month period. All other requirements and provisions under the FMLA will apply. In no case will the total amount of leave—whether paid or unpaid—granted to an employee under the FMLA exceed 12 weeks during any 12-month FMLA period.
  • An employee will continue to be eligible for any health and welfare benefits in which the employee participates during a Maternity Leave period, in accordance with the terms and conditions of those benefits. Please see the Your Benefits on Leave document for the treatment of each benefit program while on leave.
  • Employees will not accrue paid time off benefits or be paid for holidays while on leave.
  • All STD benefits are calculated with base salary based on a 7-day week.
  • Any salary increases with a proposed effective date that occurs during a paid leave will be applied in the pay cycle following the effective date.
  • An employee may not use, and managers may not approve the use of, Track Free Vacation in place of a Maternity Leave. If an employee uses Track Free Vacation for a leave that should have been a Maternity Leave, as determined by PayPal, the employee and their manager may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with PayPal’s Code of Conduct and other applicable policies.

Requesting Your Leave

Employees must initiate their leave of absence with Sedgwick and communicate with their leader at least 30 days prior to the expected first date of the leave (or if the leave was not foreseeable, as soon as possible). The employee must complete all Sedgwick paperwork and provide all required documentation to substantiate the request.

To initiate a leave of absence, contact PayPal's Leave of Absence Administrator, Sedgwick via the following options: 

Returning from Leave

The manager and/or the employee must notify Sedgwick on their first day back from leave by phone at 855-233-7599 or at mySedgwick.com/PayPal.

A delay in confirming the return from leave may cause an interruption in pay and PTO accrual.

For an extension of leave, the employee must contact Sedgwick and their health care provider to request and obtain updated medical documentation. The required paperwork must be returned to Sedgwick within 20 calendar days.

Leave of Absence Questions

Contact PayPal’s Leave of Absence Administrator, Sedgwick, for questions regarding leave of absence.

  • Sedgwick Service Center Representatives are available Monday through Friday, from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Central Time at 855-233-7599.
  • Employees can speak to their Specialist or send a message through mySedgwick, by clicking on the Contact Examiner link within the claim.
  • Send all claims correspondence and medical documentation to Sedgwick’s secure email inbox, PayPalMail@Sedgwickcms.com.
  • For general questions about leave, contact PayPal’s Leave of Absence Administrator, Sedgwick, at PayPalOps@Sedgwickcms.com.

PayPal has several resources available to parents. Visit the Emotional Wellness page on PayPal Benefits to view Family Support details.

Military Leave


Consistent with the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) and in accordance with these Guidelines, the following employees are eligible for Military Leave:

  • An employee who is a member of the active and Reserve components of the U.S. armed forces; and
  • An employee who is a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) reservist who deploys to major disaster sites.
  • Both exempt and non-exempt employees are eligible from day one of employment pursuant to these Guidelines. An eligible employee may take up to a total of 5 years, cumulative, of Military Leave during the course of their employment with the Company.

USERRA protects the job rights of individuals who voluntarily or involuntarily leave employment positions to undertake military service or certain types of service in the National Disaster Medical System. For more information about your rights, benefits and obligations under USERRA, you can visit USERRA.gov.

Nebraska Military Service

An employee that is (i) employed in Nebraska, and (ii) is the spouse or parent of a person called to military service lasting 179 days or more, may request Military Leave in accordance with applicable law. Such an employee will be eligible for Military Leave if the employee (a) has been with PayPal for more than 12 months and (b) has worked over 1,250 hours during the year prior to taking the Military Leave.


The Uniformed services are defined as Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard (and the Reserves for each of these branches), Army National Guard, Air National Guard, commissioned corps of the Public Health Service, and any other category of persons designated by the President in time of war or emergency. A period of service is defined as duty on a voluntary or involuntary basis including:

  • Active duty
  • Active duty for training
  • Inactive duty training
  • National Guard duty (not monthly weekend duty)
  • Absences for examinations to determine fitness for duty
  • Absences to perform funeral honors duty as authorized by law

Pay during Military Leave

Upon submission of the relevant documents to payroll, an eligible employee will receive payment from PayPal to make up the difference between government pay for military service and pay from PayPal for:

  • Up to 2 weeks per year of training duty;
  • Up to 2 years cumulative time over the course of their employment with PayPal for active-duty service.
  • Any salary increases with a proposed effective date that occurs during a paid leave will be applied in the pay cycle following the effective date.

Coordination with Other Policies

  • Military Leave is coordinated with any applicable statutory, supplemental leaves and/or paid time off.
  • Employees may elect to use any available PTO during an otherwise unpaid military leave in accordance with applicable PayPal policies and subject to manager approval. The substitution of paid time for unpaid leave time does not extend the length of leave and the paid time will run concurrently with any military leave entitlement.
  • Employees whose absence does not exceed applicable statutory limitations will retain reemployment rights and accrue seniority and benefits in accordance with applicable federal and state laws.
  • Employees will not accrue paid time off benefits or be paid for holidays while on leave.

Requesting Leave

An eligible employee must initiate their request for a Military Leave with Sedgwick and provide notice to their manager at least 14 days prior to the expected first date of the leave (or, if the leave was not foreseeable due to military necessity, as soon as possible) if the leave relates to 5 or more consecutive days of work. The employee must complete all Sedgwick paperwork and provide all required documentation to substantiate the request.

To initiate a leave of absence, contact PayPal's Leave of Absence Administrator, Sedgwick via the following options:

Once the leave request has been initiated with Sedgwick, the employee will need to submit Military Orders and/or any other correspondence directly to Sedgwick through either the mySedgwick portal, email or fax.

Returning from Leave

The manager and/or the employee must notify Sedgwick on their first day back from leave by phone at 855-233-7599 or at mySedgwick.com/PayPal.

A delay in confirming the return from leave may cause an interruption in pay and PTO accrual.  

For an extension of leave, the employee must contact Sedgwick and provide updated military orders. The orders must be returned to Sedgwick within 20 calendar days.

Leave of Absence Questions

Contact PayPal’s Leave of Absence Administrator, Sedgwick, for questions regarding leave of absence.

  • Sedgwick Service Center Representatives are available Monday through Friday, from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Central Time at 855-233-7599
  • Employees can speak to their Specialist or send a message through mySedgwick, by clicking on the Contact Examiner link within the claim.
  • Send all claims correspondence and medical documentation to Sedgwick’s secure email inbox, PayPalMail@Sedgwickcms.com.
  • General questions about leave, contact PayPal’s Leave of Absence Administrator, Sedgwick, PayPalOps@Sedgwickcms.com.

Benefits While on Military Leave

If an eligible employee participates in PayPal benefits, the employee will continue to be eligible to participate in such benefit plans and programs during a Military Leave, in accordance with the applicable plan documents.  The employee may need to pay their benefits premium contributions directly to PayPal’s Benefits Administrator to continue their benefits coverage. Please see the Your Benefits on Leave document for more information on the treatment of each benefit program while on leave.

Paid Family Care Leave


Family Care Leave is available to eligible US employees to enable them to care for one qualifying family member with a serious health condition, as determined by Sedgwick, within a 12-month period.

  • Non-exempt employees are eligible to take a Family Care Leave after completing 6 months of employment with PayPal.
  • Exempt employees are eligible to take a Family Care Leave as of their first day of employment with PayPal.


Serious health condition means:

  • An illness, injury, impairment, or a physical or mental condition that involves an overnight stay in a hospital, hospice, or residential medical care facility;
  • A period of incapacity that lasts for more than three consecutive full calendar days;
  • Periodic incapacity due to or in connection with pregnancy;
  • Chronic conditions;
  • Permanent or long-term incapacity; or
  • Conditions that require absence to receive multiple treatments.  

Qualifying Family Member means, as determined by PayPal in its sole discretion, an eligible employee’s spouse, legal domestic partner, child, or parent.

Family Care Leave Guidelines

With respect to any Family Care Leave approved by Sedgwick:

Duration: An eligible employee may take Paid Family Care Leave of up to a maximum of 8 weeks total in a rolling 12-month period. Family Care Leave may only be taken with respect to one Qualifying Family Member.

If an employee has taken a Paid Family Care Leave with respect to a Qualifying Family Member and then a second (different) Qualifying Family Member has a serious health condition, the employee may be able to take an unpaid leave in accordance with applicable PayPal policies; however, the employee would not be permitted to take Paid Family Care Leave with respect to the second Qualifying Family Member (even if the employee did not use the maximum 8 weeks of Paid Family Care Leave with respect to the first Qualifying Family Member).

Compensation: During Family Care Leave, the employee will be eligible to receive compensation equal to 100% of the employee’s base salary (with base salary based on a 7-day week). An employee on Family Care Leave may not receive payments during their leave (including after taking into account any applicable statutory, supplemental paid time off or other) greater than 100% of their base compensation. For the avoidance of doubt, compensation paid by PayPal during a Family Care Leave will be offset by any applicable statutory, supplemental paid time off or other benefits, subject to applicable law.

  • Any salary increases with a proposed effective date that occurs during a paid leave will be applied in the pay cycle following the effective date.
  • All Paid Family Care Leave benefits are calculated with base salary based on a 7-day week.

Any severance payments paid to the employee by PayPal during Paid Family Care Leave will not directly reduce leave payments under this guideline.

Timing: You must claim Paid Family Care (PFC) benefits within 49 days of the first day of absence. Minus any extraordinary circumstances, we cannot accept claims more than 6 months from the date upon which benefits under the plan become payable. Subject to limited exceptions for extraordinary circumstances, as determined by Sedgwick.

Frequency: Family Care Leave may be taken all at one time or intermittently (starting with at least three days and in one-week increments thereafter), as medically necessary and as determined by PayPal and/or Sedgwick. With respect to any planned medical treatment, an eligible employee must inform PayPal and request in advance any Family Care Leave in order to be eligible for Family Care Leave with respect to that treatment.

Coordination with Other Policies

  • Any Family Care Leave will run concurrently with any applicable Federal or State leave programs, whether paid or unpaid.
  • To the extent applicable, employees must apply for any applicable State or Federal leave programs that may be available and coordinate those programs with their Family Care Leave.
  • Family Care Leave under these Guidelines run concurrently with leave under the FMLA, if applicable. Accordingly, if the event that makes an employee eligible for Family Care Leave under these Guidelines also makes the employee eligible for a leave under the FMLA, any Family Care Leave will be counted towards the 12 weeks of FMLA leave available to the employee. All requirements and provisions under the FMLA apply to the employee, during such time as the employee is eligible/using FMLA leave.
  • An employee will continue to be eligible for any health and welfare benefits in which the employee participates during a Family Care Leave period, in accordance with the terms and conditions of those benefits. Please see the Your Benefits on Leave document for the treatment of each benefit program while on leave.
  • Employees will not accrue paid time off benefits or be paid for holidays while on leave.
  • An employee may not use, and managers may not approve the use of, Track Free Vacation in place of Paid Family Care Leave. If an employee uses Track Free Vacation for a leave that should have been a Family Care Leave, as determined by PayPal, the employee and their manager may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with PayPal’s Code of Conduct and other applicable policies.

Requesting Your Leave

Employees must initiate their Family Care Leave with Sedgwick and communicate with their manager at least 30 days prior to the expected first date of the leave (or if the leave is not foreseeable, as soon as possible). The employee must complete all Sedgwick paperwork and provide all required documentation to substantiate the request.

To initiate a Family Care Leave, contact PayPal's Leave of Absence Administrator, Sedgwick, via the following options:

Returning from Leave

The manager and/or the employee must notify Sedgwick on their first day back from leave by phone at 855-233-7599 or at mySedgwick.com/PayPal.

A delay in confirming the return from leave may cause an interruption in pay and PTO accrual.

For an extension of leave, the employee must contact Sedgwick and their health care provider to request and obtain updated medical documentation. The required paperwork must be returned to Sedgwick within 20 calendar days.

Leave of Absence Questions

Contact PayPal’s Leave of Absence Administrator, Sedgwick, for questions regarding leave of absence.

  • Sedgwick Service Center Representatives are available Monday through Friday, from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Central Time at 855-233-7599.
  • Employees can speak to their Specialist or send a message through mySedgwick, by clicking on the Contact Examiner link within the claim.
  • Send all claims correspondence and medical documentation to Sedgwick’s secure email inbox, PayPalMail@Sedgwickcms.com.
  • For general questions about leave, contact PayPal’s Leave of Absence Administrator, Sedgwick, at PayPalOps@Sedgwickcms.com.

Personal Leave


To be eligible for a Personal Leave of Absence (“Personal Leave” or “PLOA”), an eligible employee must meet all the following requirements:

  • Have been employed by the Company for at least six months;
  • Have been subject to no corrective action(s) within the last 12 months;
  • Have not taken a PLOA in the last 12 months; and
  • Have used all accrued paid time off prior to requesting the PLOA (if applicable) and exhausted benefits under all applicable leave programs (if any)

PLOA Guidelines

An eligible employee may request one PLOA in a rolling 12-month period of up to 30 calendar days of unpaid PLOA for time away from work for extraordinary circumstances, as determined by PayPal, to fulfill urgent personal obligations not otherwise provided for under law or other PayPal leave policies.  Any PLOA is subject to PayPal’s approval, in its sole discretion, and is only available to employees in good standing. PayPal has the authority to deny, approve, or partially approve any request for PLOA.

An eligible employee must request any PLOA in advance. PayPal has the sole discretion to deny any request for a PLOA to the extent that the employee does not make a PLOA request prior to starting their leave or taking any time away from work. If an employee takes time off from work without prior PayPal approval, their absence may be subject to any applicable Attendance Guidelines, as determined by PayPal.

Coordination with Other Policies

  • An eligible employee must use all accrued paid vacation/PTO and available paid sick time/PSL (to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law and assuming the reason for use is covered by the applicable policy), as applicable, before requesting an unpaid PLOA.
  • In general, the maximum duration of time off in connection with a Personal Leave is 30 days. This 30-day maximum includes the length of the Personal Leave plus any associated paid vacation/PTO or other paid leave (including any paid leave taken immediately prior to the start of the PLOA).
    • If, as required by these Guidelines, an eligible employee uses paid vacation/PTO and/or paid sick time/PSL before going on an unpaid PLOA, the total number of days off may not exceed 30 days (including the days of paid vacation/PTO and/or paid sick time/PSL).
    • The maximum duration of a PLOA may not be extended or otherwise impacted by an eligible employee's receipt of disability benefits, Workers' Compensation benefits, or other similar benefits.
  • An employee may not use, and managers may not approve the use of, Track Free Vacation in place of a Personal Leave of Absence. If an employee uses Track Free Vacation for a leave that should have been a Personal Leave, as determined by PayPal, the employee and their manager may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with PayPal’s Code of Conduct and other applicable policies.
  • Employees will not accrue paid time off benefits or be paid for holidays while on leave.

How to Request a PLOA

Eligible employees must complete and submit the Personal LOA request form to Employee Central. Employee Central will review and engage with the Business for the required approvals and notify the employee when approved.

Request your personal leave.

Requests are considered based on non-discriminatory factors, such as staffing requirements, the reasons for the requested leave, and the employee’s performance, and attendance records. If approved, Employee Central will coordinate with the Leave Administrator, Sedgwick, to process the employee's claim.

Returning from PLOA

Upon completion of a PLOA, the Company will try to return the employee to their original job or a similar position, subject to prevailing business considerations and applicable law. Please note, however, that reinstatement is not guaranteed unless required by law.

If the employee fails to inform their manager regarding their availability to return to work, does not return to work on the expected return to work date, or remains absent from work beyond the time approved by the Company, the employee will be deemed to have voluntarily resigned their employment with PayPal, unless otherwise determined by PayPal in its sole discretion or prohibited by applicable law.

Benefits while on PLOA

An employee on an unpaid PLOA must pay their benefits premium contributions directly to PayPal’s Benefits Administrator to continue their benefits coverage, in accordance with the applicable plan documents.

  • Your Benefits Resources (YBR), PayPal’s current Benefits Administrator, will send a monthly invoice to the employee regarding their benefits contributions. The employee would be able to pay for the continuation of their coverage on a post-tax basis directly to YBR.
  • If the employee does not timely pay their contributions, the employee’s coverage terminates retroactively to the last paid-through date.

Please note that an eligible employee’s participation in certain benefits/compensation programs, including the Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account and PayPal’s Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP), will be suspended while on PLOA. The employee will not be able to contribute towards their Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account or the ESPP during a PLOA, and the employee will not be able to submit any claims under their Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account with respect to any period of PLOA.  

For full details regarding all PayPal benefits (e.g., 401(k), ESPP, equity plan, etc.) during a PLOA, refer to the US Leave of Absence: Benefits and Pay Information document and the applicable plan documents for more information.

The rights, if any, of employees to participate in the benefits programs and to receive benefits under such programs are governed by the terms and conditions of the applicable benefit plans and PayPal policies (the “Benefit Plans”), rather than any summary or other communication. In the event of any conflict between any summary or other communication and the Benefit Plans, the applicable Benefit Plan shall control. Information contained in this communication does not create a right to employment and will not be interpreted as forming an employment contract or affecting an employee’s employment status, which remains at-will. PayPal reserves the right to make changes or cancel any benefits at any time, at PayPal’s sole discretion

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