Child behavior and developmental assistance

What you need to know

RethinkCare gives you award-winning, research-based resources, training, and support for a child with learning or behavioral challenges. Plus, it’s free to PayPal employees!

Raising children. It doesn’t come with a handbook. If you have a child with learning or behavioral challenges, it can be hard to know what to do. That’s why RethinkCare offers its research-based program to help parents navigate parenting a child with developmental disabilities.

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Visit to register with RethinkCare to use its services (access code: PayPal).

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RethinkCare is a program developed by highly experienced clinicians, educators, and leaders in the field of developmental disabilities that shows you behavior intervention techniques to help your child reach their full potential.

Parenting support when you need it most

RethinkCare provides a Parental Success solution that helps families raise happy, healthy, and resilient children. You can speak with on-staff board certified behavior analysts or access 100+ on-demand courses to address the unique needs of both caregivers and your children, including children with developmental disabilities such as autism, ADHD, and Down syndrome.

You also have access to digital training courses focused on family wellbeing. These courses can help parents nurture their own mental health, practice mindfulness with their children, and boost their children’s executive functioning skills including attention, focus, organization, impulse control, and more. The content includes sessions, exercises, webinars, and tips to help manage modern parenting challenges.

RethinkCare is available at no cost to you. For more information review RethinkCare's Parental Success resources.

Download the RethinkCare app. (App Store | Google Play)

See what RethinkCare participants have to say

  • “We have been using RethinkCare services for a while now and have gotten great tips on how to handle our strong-minded child. My Parenting Expert has done a wonderful job of helping us navigate the ups and downs and we have seen so much improvement. We have tried other methods of getting help and we just weren’t getting it until using this service. It’s been amazing!”
  • “Maria, my Parenting Expert, has seriously become one of the individuals in my life that I trust the most. She is compassionate, knowledgeable, and wise. RethinkCare has helped me through my toughest times as a parent.
  • “What a fantastic resource! My consultant was kind, professional, and very understanding. He’s helped me understand a situation that has been present for 10 years and provide actions and goals that I can accomplish. He made sure to level set expectations.”
  • “I’m getting great feedback and ideas to best support my daughter. It’s like therapy for myself during the process. I have so much less anxiety about meeting her needs as her mother because I now know how to help her in a way that works for both of us.”

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