Cycle scheme

What you need to know

PayPal offers a cycle scheme, Bike to Work, which can help you save money while supporting your healthy commute to work. Bike to Work has a network of participating cycle retailers.

The programme is open to all salaried full- and part-time employees. And you can re-apply for a bike once every five years.

How the programme works

PayPal will purchase a bike and safety equipment for you, up to a maximum of €1,000, from any participating shop. You repay the purchase through payroll deductions, spread out over 13 pay periods, and save money because you don’t pay tax, PRSI deductions, or the Universal Social Charge.

Be sure you’re happy with this scheme and your bike selection, because you cannot cancel repayment. If you leave the company, you’re still responsible for the balance owed. To receive the tax breaks, you need to be an Irish taxpayer.

Cycling to work

Apply for a voucher, submit your quote through the Bike to Work programme, and get cycling to work. Once your quote is approved and paid by PayPal, you’ll receive a voucher to pick up your new bike and safety equipment.

Apply now!

Get your voucher and start cycling to work.

Bike to Work

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